Discussions on Twin Flame, Soul Mate, Holistic Soul Mate~ Kindred Spirits~ Past Life Relationships

by Ammael Appleby May 20, 2016

This is a work in progress.
My intent is to complete this and one day be able to publish and share the truths with others. So excuse the poor writing. And some flaws in general. May it bless you in its own standing.
Many people seek from me information on their "Soul Mate" and sometimes their "Twin Flame".
I have come to the understanding that there is no clear consistent information on the internet describing these connections.
I struggled for years (and still do a bit admittedly) to separate and categorize these energy connections I can literally see between people.
I have been asked "What do you see?" I see the transparent energy of the Soul. Your Energy itself. I rely upon my own eyes and listen to the Entities around me. I observe the relationships I have seen. Walk with me, and see the transparency of our energy and how we connect.
On my website I just list Soul Mate reading. I am working on refining the terms and publishing a book with a more defined definition of what I can see.
So here is my beginnings of a massive project. In my studies I have come to discover we still do not have enough categories to truly fill each type.
Here below i discuss...
Twin Flame
Soul Mate
Holistic Soul Mate
Kindred Spirit
When people come to me they are usually looking for an ideal Soul Mate match. Or what I have called the Holistic Soul Mate.
When they purchase this reading, I guide them to the next ideal and completing Holistic Soul Mate potential, with absolute potential to get married to.
This is a great accomplishment in and of itself!

The Phases & Stages of UNION between 2 Souls. A path the Twin Flames are driven to complete.

The path that all couples go through in one degree or another to find Harmony.

All to be experienced over lifetimes. Each Phase can take multiple lifetimes to experience and accomplish for the Twin Flames. This is a necessary path all Twin Flame relationships must go through. I have never seen or heard of one being accomplished in one lifetime.

These stages and phases are also applicable to any other relationship on one level or another. But can be achieved by the Soul Mate, Holistic Soul Mate and even Kindred Spirits in one lifetime! 

We all face 2 distinct paths in life.

One is our own path or PERSONAL PATH that we alone are responsible for. Our choice on how to grow and develop.

Second is what I call THE PATH OF UNION. The path we undertake while in concert commune and union with another person. 

Here I discuss...



1. Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening

2. Testing

3. Crisis

4. Facing Fear

5. Surrender

6. Radiance

7. Harmonizing

8. Holistic Contract (I have not written on this one yet)

**The Key to getting to the final Harmonizing stage with the least amount of suffering is to bypass one’s own Testing, Crisis and Fear stages.  This can be accomplished by staying surrendered to God Creator throughout. **

(As of now, below I speak as if talking only about the Twin Flame relationship.)


Characteristics of Stage 1:

Both Twins recognize one another at the soul level and feel as if they have met before.  Synchronous events surround the union.  The heart chakras open and both souls quickly merge into a third unified energy.  Both Twins experience an acceleration of spiritual understanding. Know that a quick recognition also occurs between Soul Mates and sometimes Kindred Spirits as well.

The purpose of the Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening Stage:

To activate the memory of each soul’s life mission and to help awaken each Twin to higher levels of consciousness.



Stage 2:  TESTING

Characteristics of Stage 2:

The initial temporary spiritual awakening (illumination) fades. The ego (“little self”) begins to re-emerge.  One or both Twins may attempt to fit the relationship into the “old model” of Love,  or previous life relationship they had, as it relates to their ego desires and learned belief system.  Inner conflict arises.  Twins ruminate on what they were taught to believe their Twin Flame “should be” and how relationships are supposed to serve them.

Both Twins feel simultaneously inspired and toppled by the power of the union.
Doubts creep in making one or both Twins begin to view their Twin Flame critically or suspiciously.

The purpose of the Testing stage:

To cause outdated mental concepts about relationships to rise to the surface to be cleared.



Stage 3:  CRISIS

Characteristics of Stage 3:

The crisis of the Twin is realizing they must reject their egocentric beliefs about love & relationships or reject their Twin Flame.  Having to shed “little self” or identity-based beliefs and desires to embrace a higher expression of Love can lead to stubbornness and anxiety.  Fear can take hold, triggering many dysfunctional emotional patterns.  In staying present with the patterns, they can be witnessed and released.

Despite fears, both Twins naturally come together in cycles for bonding, confession, forgiveness and possible physical love.  These rituals cement higher levels of consciousness into the energy fields of both Twins. At this stage is also the crux to accept that a Twin Flame is ultimately your other half. Your soul split in two. And to seek a sexual relationship with yourself in essence is rarely the outcome of Twin Flames ultimate joining. They have a higher path to follow.In their final life where they meet and completely join in Holistic union sexual contact is not common.

The purpose of the Crisis stage:

To provide opportunities for the healing and maturing of the mental and emotional bodies. The shedding of all taught ideals of the perfect relationship. Wherein one remembers that perfect love is found from God and He holds us not in a sexual mind. A mothers perfect love is not sexual in nature. A perfect union and rejoining of a soul split in two is hence not at its end truly base sexuality. The  complete acceptance comes in SURRENDER phase. At this phase the realization is awakened.



Stage 4:  Facing FEAR

Characteristics of Stage 4:

The human ego naturally fears annihilation in the face of the Unified Consciousness encoded inside the Twin Flame Union.  The pain body rises up and old ego survival mechanisms or “bottom of the barrel” emotional and mental patterns like defiance, resistance, manipulation, anger, punishing and judgment arise.

One or both Twins become emotionally and mentally flooded with deep pain from what feels like soul-level rejection and abandonment.  The unbearable soul-level pain leads one or both Twins to withdraw physically and block communication in fear and futility.  One or both Twins may unsuccessfully try to re-create the original unified harmony.

The purpose of the FEAR dynamic:

To propel both individuals towards God for healing and maturation of the spiritual body.

NOTE:  The temptation to engage in ego battle or withdrawal is very seductive and difficult for many to resist, which is why many Twins never reach Surrender, Radiance or Harmony.

Remember, there is no room for judgment in Twin Soul pairings. Each soul learns from much walking its own path and choosing through its own will.  Your non-attached loving thoughts will be felt by your beloved in the subconscious, keeping them strong.



Characteristics of Stage 5: 

The direction and outcome of the relationship is surrendered to God in full faith and trust that the Union is under Divine Protection.  It is accepted that what is best and destined for the final Holistic Energy connection harmonizing will transpire in its own time. (Both Twins must reach Illumination in order to harmonize in the Holistic energy connection)

The FEARFUL Twin is allowed the space and freedom to choose to evolve at their own pace in their own way.  At this stage, the frequency of compassion returns and maintains itself.  The Surrendered Twin holds a heart space for their beloved while fully exploring life on the way to becoming an Illuminated human.  This may be a time of channeling Unconditional Love into art, music, writing, teaching, active service or some other creative outlet.

Purpose of the Surrender stage:

To help each soul release the ego, develop regular communication with God and demonstrate their full trust in God to do what is best and when.



Characteristics of Stage 6: 

The ego or “little self” dies and the God-force energy takes over the body.  This leads to a complete spiritual awakening, arriving at one’s fully awakened divinity. This is the stage of radiating Divine Love rather than seeking romantic Love.

At this stage, the surrendered Twin’s emotional, mental and spiritual bodies arrive at full maturity.  New creativity and healing abilities arise, which are put in service to assist others.

Purpose of the Radiance stage:

To establish an outward flow of Divine Love through one’s body and works, which vibrates at a level that uplifts humanity.



Characteristics of Stage 7:

By this stage both Twins have awakened.  They come together in their true energy to assimilate their newly evolved energies, flowing into the new dynamic of their Unified Potential.  Both Twins integrate fully into the third energy of Unconditional Love in a way that influences others towards their own heart opening.

Purpose of the Harmonizing stage:

To fulfill the intended mission of the Twin Flame Union.
**Twin Flame relationships come into your life to help mold you to embody the vibration of Unconditional Love.**





Twins and Soul Mates are two entirely different things. The Kindred Spirit is closely related to the Soul Mate. Oh and let's make things even more interesting and face the fact that there are 2 distinct types of Soul Mates!

If you do believe in reincarnation and past lives, you could literally have approximately 10 Soul Mates out there right now, people you have bumped into constantly over your many, many lives along with the karma which comes with it.

You could have approximately 1000's of Kindred Spirits out there!  Yeah! Kindred Spirits are what keep us going! Like the coven, the secret club or our best friends : )

And if your blessed, you may have one HOLISTIC SOUL MATE Potential out there. 


When I say Soul Mate I mean of the same energy. When I am referring to Holistic Soul Mate that is reserved for the potential life partner, married and complete union on all levels. Not all Soul Mates or those of like energy family are suitable for marriage etc. When I speak of Soul Mate in Readings for clients, I am referring specifically to the marriage suitable connection.... The Holistic Soul Mate. A complete meeting of all levels in energy and in all other ways. The goal of every person is to meet a Soul Mate and be married to them and live "happily ever after" etc. : )


So the Soul Mate is a person who is of the same type and class of energy as we are. We meet on almost every level but not on 2 levels. We do not meet on a holistic level and possibly one other. A parent and child can be Soul Mates. Even many people who marry are this type of Soul Mate and this can be very fulfilling as well. Cousins, friends, someone reading this right now...you may be a Soul Mate of mine : )

When we meet someone who is of like mind and energy in many ways to us and they are not a Soul Mate, we then call them a Kindred Spirit. We can have a parent that is a Kindred Spirit or our own child can be a Kindred Spirit. And yes people can marry who are kindred spirits and make things work!


In this world we live in we all have the POTENTIAL for 1000's of Kindred Spirits.

1-10 Soul Mates. Some people may meet many more, it is possible!

0-2 Holistic Soul Mates in a lifetime

And possibly 1 Twin Flame. We do not always meet our Twin Flame in a lifetime. And not everyone was created as a Twin Flame. I myself am a complete unique Soul and was created as such and not as a Twin Flame as I describe here.




All Twin relationships are a reflection of the most ancient and primary of Twins, Osiris and Isis, the first king and queen of Egypt. I use these as an example.  Twinship is not about romance, candle light dinners, great sex, buying a condo together and shared investments and retirement savings plans (Though it may include that later). It is about two souls coming together to be of benefit and service to humanity, usually by inspiring and leading others with the creative work they do together, whether that be the books they write together, the ideas they come up with together, the healing work they do together, the artistic and creative output they do together etc. The works they produce together usually live on, long after they have gone.




Twin Flames: Are you confused by this title? I know I have been! We live in the wonderful Information Age! We can all hop on the internet and look up what this means. As much as I love information, I have relied upon other people for the meaning and description of a Twin flame. I have just looked up yet again what Twin Flame means, and I received this... 5.790.000 results! Ouch! I have read and reread many peoples thoughts on this subject and I have begun to see some holes and flat out wrong ideas.


So this is my attempt to begin gathering what I can literally see and explanations I have been given from spirits entities and angels. Though honestly angels dont really talk about this as we do. A Djinn was the most helpful of all. I digress.

The first thing one must accept is that we have the possible opportunity to live many lives. The concept of past lives. Not everyone has a Twin Flame. And not everyone has lived or will live more than one life. Yet for those this applies to let me discuss what I can see and have learned what a Twin Flame is.

Your Twin Flame is created from the same ball of energy as you. This is like saying your identical twin in the womb. Created at the same moment as you, from the same distinct energy source.

The Twin Flame is different from the Soul Mate. It is literally your missing half from the beginning of your time. A Divine event caused Twins to separate and they will search lifetimes to locate their Twin. The energy is almost seen as a magnet, insisting on drawing and coming to each other. No matter what the obstacle. No matter how many lives they will find each other eventually.

Some peoples lives are beginning here and now in this life, and others are here living through their 58th life. Know that not in every life do they meet their Twin Flame. And it takes many lifetimes to go through all the stages or phases to find a complete and whole union with each other. Not all lives or souls are created and split at it's beginning. Only a few. Not all Twin Flames end in marriage. For as the twin in the womb may be 2 different sexes. And who is to say Twin Flames must marry? I have seen many that have found a completing Holistic Soul Mate before meeting their Twin Flame and were completely happy with the finding of each other as it was. A complete union and meeting of a Twin Flame is not going to result in sexual and marriage connection. The distinction is uniquely one fact...they were created from the same time and energy ball. I dont know a better way to describe it. It looks like a ball of brilliant light and then it is split in two. Same energy 2 distinct bodies. Energy that will always yearn to be near itself again. The inability to truly grow without the other. A specific path chosen for the few.


Your Twin Flame is indeed a very powerful connection. Felt before you even meet in person. A connection you yearn for and ache for the finding. The sad truth is that some people feel this ache and never find their Twin Flame in that life. When they come close in proximity or the destined time to meet is drawing nigh so to speak, they begin to feel an awakening. A sense that something is going to happen. When they do meet it is an unmistakable connection.

An interesting point to know is that Twin Flames are in the precise place in PATH OF UNION as the other. Meaning they cannot progress in life unless the other has as well.

They can grow in their own PERSONAL PATH at different paces, away from each other. Yet each specific stage of their PATH OF UNION cannot be achieved unless they are literally with each other. You cannot have Twin #1 at Crisis Stage and Twin #2 at Surrender stage. They must progress together.


Each Twin has their own life to attend to. 2 sides to their growth. Personal growth achieved before they meet hopefully. And then growth they must achieve together. each stands responsible for their own PERSONAL PATH and the PATH OF UNION.

Imagine you have drawn together and meet your Twin Flame out of balance. They are not in a healthy place yet you are. Imagine meeting your Twin Flame and the other is a drug addict. They made a series of devastating decisions. And you are a wise enlightened healthy balanced individual. You stand in a place of gross imbalance. Truth be told the one may decide and choose to not work on the PATH OF UNION as they should. And the two of you stagnate in CRISIS stage. This does happen. But the design is typically that you will meet when you have gone through many lives and have come to a place of enlightenment and immense peace and growth, As if the final stage in your life is to meet your Twin Flame. This is the truth 90% of the time. But we have choice and we can insist on drawing ourselves unto our Twin early. Out of place and balance.

 Typically, we will not attract our Twin Flame until we have found a healthy and balanced life …..but that is not always the case. Because you are an amazing creation with power of thought that effects your world, through the focus of your intent and will….you can attract your Twin Flame. 

Twins must be together to grow in THE PATH OF UNION. And they are not meant to meet until the have become enlightened on their own PERSONAL PATH, which in and of itself can take many lifetimes. This makes it extremely complicated. 

The Twins will reflect easily and instantly every negative feeling, thought and energy. Complete exhaustion is faced when they begin their journey. The goal of a Twin Flame Soul is to go through and find enlightenment on their own PERSONAL PATH ...BEFORE they meet their Twin. Ready and able to face all the trials they will face together, completely prepared. Before you meet, you hope you have found self peace and a healthy balance in life.


An interesting truth, is that before you meet, all the events you experience in your life, the growth and wisdom you gain, will be felt by the Twin. Know that when you work on your life when you meet, they will also have a sense of this work as well. In essence the good you accomplish, the peace you feel, they feel as well.


The Twin Flame union has the potential to be a very deeply fulfilling union. Yet when they do meet, they must begin at Stage 1 and go through each stage through as far as they can reach before that life ends.

It is important to understand that if one feels they are a split soul and they have a Twin Flame, to be patient. Do not wish and draw them unto you, until your life is complete. Healthy. Balanced. Always seek to fulfill your responsibilities on your own PERSONAL PATH  before you seek your Twin. To seek out of time and balance can lead to tragedy.

Our Soul Mates and Twin Flames and Kindred Spirits are our soul family. We know each other from other places and other times ~ our hearts will be attracted. We may have many Soul Mates and Kindred Spirits, yet only a rare few will have a Twin Flame.




 This section is about Soul Mates. Not the type that are potential life partners in marriage or have the potential to be our true Holistic Soul Mate. Here I attempt to discuss Soul Mates.

Also Soul Mates are of 2 distinct types unto themselves. Those we are of the same energy group as and then those who are of the same energy group type and class AND hold the potential as marriage partners or Holistic Soul Mates. Complete in all 7 areas.


There is a clear difference between Twin Flames and Soul Mates. Soul Mates are of same energy class or group or family. Not of the identical energy ball as a twin flame is.

Soul Mates are from the same flowing stream of energy source. Scooped and gathered from the same river. In the creators hands there are many streams to gather from. But Soul Mates are those from the same stream of energy. I can only go based upon what I have been shown, and forgive my lacking in eloquence on this subject.


Soul Mates do not necessarily mean that they are “loving” relationships. Imagine the children from the same parents are not all loving towards one another. Not all understand one another. Our Soul Mates can be some of our most difficult relationships as they teach us our greatest lessons. Many people think because it is a challenging relationship it must be a Twin Flame. Know that any relationship has troubling potential! 

Every person in your life….your parents, close friends, romantic relationships, children, bosses etc. are all your soul mates on a certain level. But I am speaking of the more complete energetic connection and similar frequency you share with a Soul Mate only. Cut from the same cloth. Similar energy frequency. Created from the same energy source and stream. 

Technically, since we are ONE….everyone on the planet is our Soul Mate….however, there are definitely closer, more resonate Soul Mates that are from the same energy stream. I could be deeply irritating and point out that ALL is ONE. We are all connected to everything. Including the plants and rocks and the air we breath. Let us not try to become irritating!

In retrospect, a Soul Mate is what I call creations created from the same energy stream or river. What does this energy stream look like? I can see through each person and see back to their creation and where their creations energy was pulled from. Some sources of energy look like a long living winding singing river of light. Others look like a quiet pool of glowing colors, live with movement and breathing. These are so lovely and inviting. And mine personally looks like blue and black fire that rises up and swirls endlessly out of sight, and is quite overwhelming to look at. Not so inviting. There are endless streams of creations energy to be seen.


Lets take a step back from that strange realm. I have the distinct feeling of sounding like a lunatic talking about this.

A Soul Mate is a most beautiful thing. Know that we can draw a Soul Mat unto ourselves fairly easily. It does not take a special spell to accomplish. Bugger to all those "Spell casters" out there making people feel they will not meet a Soul Mate without some magic! We naturally will draw a Soul Mate just by being here.


The issue and concern lies in what Soul Mate are you going to attract? Have you ever heard the notion that like attracts like? Who you are today is what you will attract? It is true. Even if on the surface they don't seem to be the same, we all attract similar energy. We think and live a negative life, we will attract like kind. Who we surround ourselves with will attract more of the same as well.


So, sit and think carefully before you put out there you wish to attract a Soul Mate. Who are you right now? Be honest, and write down your deepest darkest nastiest habits in thought, urges and actions. Take a look at that list and honestly expect to draw a Soul Mate who will reflect those traits. You don't get to say...hey I only want a Soul Mate that has my good qualities! It doesn't work that way. You will attract ALL of your qualities. And expect the Soul Mate to express any of them good or bad at will!


Work on your PERSONAL PATH before you wish upon that Soul Mate star : )




The difference between a Soul Mate & a true Holistic Soul Mate, is this is the one we typically marry. The true romantic partnership, that people look for. We have a complete union on all 7 levels.

If you are wanting to draw a romantic “Soul Mate” or what I prefer to call our Holistic Soul Mate, to you. Be complete in your PERSONAL PATH. This is the ideal situation to be in to be ready for your Holistic Soul Mate. Know you will attract where you are in life. All the good and the negative. So take your time, be in no rush, and work on yourself first.

What is the Holistic Soul Mate?

A true Holistic Soul Mate is one we connect with on ALL 7 levels. A true Holistic Soul Mate connection. This connection is there in various levels when we meet each other. We may have to go through stages and phases of togetherness to grow and develop each connection more strongly and to its utmost healthy place it can be.



A pair of Soul Mates may need to go through the PATH OF UNION together as previously mentioned for the Twin Flame. This is almost a guarantee that we will go through the PATH OF UNION in some way together. Some people will go through the PATH OF UNION in a steady and gentle manner aware and accepting of the need to work for a relationship to become strong. They may go through THE PATH OF UNION so in tuned with each other and patient, because they each came into the relationship from a healthy strong PERSONAL PATH. They then may go through this process in under a year, without much strain. Then the rest of us average people are too impatient to wait until our PERSONAL PATH is enlightened and we rush into a Soul mate relationship. Thinking, if we are with our Soul Mate, then all will be easier in life! Hey great idea! NO it is not. Enlightened and wise people are able to work together through struggles in life side by side as one. The rest of the population will come to the Soul mate relationship with past baggage, physical issues ignored, mental struggles unhealthy thoughts, emotional traumas and energy issues and ties to other unhealthy people...and then they bring into that Soul Mate relationship all that dis-ease. The Soul Mate will share and feed all that Dis-ease with the other. Really difficult to tread water and survive that way.

An important and most vital of details to discuss, is that a Holistic Soul Mate is a Soul Mate who we CHOOSE to continue onto the final step with. An intent of awareness and unseen energy contract. We choose to join on the last step of union to create the final step of HOLISTIC SOUL MATE.

A HOLISTIC SOUL MATE begins as a special Soul Mate. But it is a POTENTIAL, not a guarantee. Not a promise. Not something we can force or make happen through will, spell power or anything else. It is freely given mutually together. We can tell the difference between a Soul Mate and a Holistic Soul Mate usually. 

Because someone is our Soul Mate is not a guarantee that we get along perfectly and we can say and do anything and all will be fine. Know that because they may be a Soul Mate, does not guarantee that they are our HOLISTIC SOUL MATE potential! As with any relationship, we have choice. And our choices can lead to the irretrievable breakdown of the most precious and strong connections. A Soul Mate is not a guarantee of impervious strength to anything we bring to the table or do to each other. Our Soul Mate is filled with choice and personal boundaries. A Soul Mate is to be valued and Treasured as precious and delicate.


What is another truth? How you love yourself is how well you are capable of loving another. How they love themselves is only the greatest they are capable of loving you. If someone cannot be organized, be healthy and care for the vessel they reside in, drink, smoke, party, have no schedule, surround themselves with negative people, let themselves be victim to users and abusers etc...what makes you think they will treat you any better? Be concerned for your own path when you have attracted someone who is living a destructive life. Stop and check to be sure you are not doing the same in some hidden way. To allow someone into your life in a close way that is living destructively is not generous or helpful to them, it is only enabling them, and destroying yourself. You then are becoming a destructive person as well. Compassion is to say no, I will not sit by and allow you to do this to me and have you think it is ok for yourself.


So even if you have attracted a Soul Mate, it may be one you don't truly need in your life. Remember to test the spirit, test the energy and the truth, that this may indeed be a Soul Mate without the potential to be a HOLISTIC SOUL MATE. Step back, release them. And go back to work on your PERSONAL PATH, until you will attract a healthier Soul Mate. A Soul Mate who is truly a Holistic Soul Mate. 


Holistic Soul Mates are together in union on all levels plus by choice. Awareness. A willingness and active vow to one another to uphold all. The most vulnerable of unions. Read below for more information on each level of connection and more about Holistic Soul Mates.



The Kindred Spirit is a Soul Mate with two factors missing. We can connect and meet on every energetic level except 2.  The Holistic connection and any one of the other #1-6. (as seen below).

How are Kindred Spirits created? I believe they are created from similar streams of energy. Also streams of energy that coincide and feed each other in a symbiotic way. As air feed fire. This one is a distinct area of energy that I have not looked into as much.I have not had many people ask me about it. 

I have seen people who are Kindred spirits who are from the same stream of energy, but from different areas. Up river and down river so to speak. 

In a basic way, a kindred Spirit are two people or group of people, who have a sympathetic vibration. When one sings a tone the rest vibrate in their own way in sympathic vibration. They resonate with eachother. Harmonious. Maybe not the same notes. But harmonious tones. They may sing the same notes, but on different instruments. There are a variety of ways they come together. But the Kindred Spirits are the Coven. The Quartet. The Symphony of people. Somehow they are in tune with each other for various reasons and they fall into place together in a most beautiful symbiotic mutually wonderful way.

One could say that the ideal sports team who works in perfect harmony is a group of Kindred Spirits. My last recollection of one such group was the Chicago Bulls team highlighted by Micheal Jordan in 1995-96 I believe.

A witch coven is ideally a group of Kindred Spirits.

Two children who meet in 1st grade and proceed their entire lives to remain the best of friends till they die, Kindred Spirits. And yes people I meet are drawn to me, many of which are Kindred Spirits.

These are the spirits we commune with as best friends. Partners in life. We understand each other. We know. We feel. We see. We hear as a one. The connection with a Kindred Spirit is typically easy to connect with. The arguments and trials are easier to work through. On the bad side of things...We will usually also set aside a Kindred Spirit more easily and walk away from them not seeing them always as completely unique. We may not feel the rarity as keenly as we should. We are easily capable of taking advantage of this relationship. Because they are so like unto us, we easily do things without regard. When we are not happy with ourselves, we easily lash out at our kindred spirit.

A Kindred Spirit will resonate in energy with us. They may even have seemingly nothing in common. But somehow we just adore each other because of our differences. There are some of the strangest Kindred Spirit friendships out there! They have nothing in common and can disagree on every front, politics, food, way of belief, clothing anything...yet somehow they adore the other completely. What was that movie...Grumpy Old Men? Basically the idea is there.

So there are many faces of a Kindred Spirits. They can take many shapes. The bottom line is a sympathetic vibration. A resonance. A energy recognition and compatibility in one way or many ways.

The interesting struggles with having a Kindred Spirit in your life is that it can create extreme jealousy with other relationships in your life. Others will see clearly the knowing connection you have with each other. I have seen many married partners fall apart because the wife has found a Kindred Spirit friend that she refuses to let go of. This friend can be a male or female. And the husband seeing that connection can be confused into thinking he has no place within that relationship and he cannot "compete".

And yes people do hook up with a kindred spirit friend on occasion. But it usually ends due to both parties feeling something is missing. Something is not quite right. I have met a few married couples who are actually Kindred Spirits, and they have been through a difficult life and appreciate and value a good connection and do not insist on perfection. And these couples have a most endearing relationship that does last. I will step out on a limb and also point out, I have met many gay lesbian couples who are completely happy, peaceful and content and they are coupled with a Kindred Spirit.



The potential ways we can connect to another human being.

1. Physical: Referring to the love and care a Doctor has for your physical self. A parent for a child. The general connection, care and respect we are to hold for ourselves and others.Know this...if the person does not have physical respect for themselves they absolutely cannot have this for another.

2. Spiritual Commune: Divine, unconditional, non-sexual aspects, all encompassing care and love. The seeking of betterment of the unseen mind. The desire of growth for the soul, spirit and etheric body. The seeking of self and for the partner to reach enlightenment.This is where I also put in Commune. At a later day I may separate this as its own unique area. To Commune is the ability to share. To give and receive in a similar way. A commune of energy. To connect in this way. Not everyone can achieve this.

3. Mental: Intellectual stimulation, enlightenment when communing with them, energy and passion for intellectual search and enlightenment. Mental bond that is mutually energetic. Inspiring. A muse of inspiring thought. Understanding,comprehension and unity of mind. Does not mean you agree on everything.Means that you allow understand and are encouraging as well of their thoughts. Similarity of way of thinking. A high communicator cannot meet in unity on MENTAL if they are with someone who is a low communicator. There will be a balance and similarity in level and form of communication and listening. Telepathic connection possibility.

4. Emotional: A genuine rise in emotions. Feeling both positive and negative are found here. Love hate joy sadness serenity pain all within the same relationship. An empathic connection. They feel sadness...you feel sadness. They feel joy...you feel joy. Because you connect on an emotional level. Clairempathy connection. The connection and the attentiveness to nurture both your emotional growth together. There needs to be over time a show of genuine nurturing and growth TOGETHER in emotional needs. A oneness as well of emotional energy.


5. Sexual: Sexual chemistry and attraction. There are various types within this area.

A. the instant sexual attraction without rhyme or reason.

B. The type that grows over time. As one gets to know the other more or things about someone change and are altered somehow. I mainly refer to type A. Yet in a Holistic Union you mutually and intentionally grow and strengthen A & B.


6. Energy: The etheric similarity. Like saying two people have the same radio frequency. This happens with Twin Flames. Soul Mates and usually Kindred Spirits. Harmonious energy. The same frequency. The energy of the two people must be absolutely in tune and harmonious with each other.


7. Holistic: All the above plus...
an acceptance awareness on an energy intent contract level. The complete connecting union of two people. The ideal status of the Twin Flame and the Soul Mate. What all marriage partners strive for. A complete all encompassing love.
Care, understanding, attraction physically and unconditional love.
A necessary awareness & acceptance of your union on every level.
Without awareness and acceptance and energy contract... there is no Holistic level.
This signifies choice. Intent.
To yield and give and receive commune, on the most pure and unconditional level.
As God Creator does for us. 
The ideal to attain to.
A journey you enter into with this person, that you know will never be complete.
In which you face joyously with hope and patience and connection enduring.
In all the ways mentioned above #1-6 those are more a natural level. They occur whether we choose them to or not. We can choose to make them stronger and healthier. We can choose how we express them. But Holistic level comes from divine unconditional choice on our part and continues as long as we choose to. This is truly the most powerful and most vulnerable of unions.
I realized this would be very useful to discuss.
We sometimes have past life relationships that come back into our lives currently.
It could be a past life mother who now becomes your friend in the life.
I will revisit this topic more later.
But always consider that that amazing strange strong connection you feel to someone you just met, does not automatically mean they are your Holistic Soul Mate in this life. Could be a past life friend etc. And you just feel a leap of recognition. Destiny bringing you back together.
Does not mean you are meant to marry in this life. etc.

Ammael Appleby
Ammael Appleby


Psychic Medium Sorcery Occultist Divine Oracle Healer, Exorcist & Guide Angel Communication Tarot, Scrying, Dream Interpretation Astrology, Numerology, Pyromancy, Demonomancy

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