by Ammael Appleby May 25, 2016

I am beginning a blog outlining an interesting ritual or personal holiday you can give to yourself.

Look back every few days and see any updates and refinements I have made! : )


A client requested the following.....


~..."How can I go about a "self-love" week? I just don't know how or where to start..Baths, doing my hair, prettying up and relaxing and all is nice, but I mean more "wholistic" I guess(don't know a better word right now)...."


I LOVE this! What a wonderful idea! 

Seek to experience the 9 points of life. So this is a 9 day self love adventure. This is just a rough draft outline. Ideas to get you started.

1. EARTH. Go on a Volksmarch. Walk, hike. Plant something. Collect a few items from nature and bring them home and draw them and keepsake them. Create and plant an Earth Spell. Take a walk into the forest and sit down and draw or take pictures of what you see. 

2. WATER. Swimming, Soaking in a hot spring. Sauna. Hot shower. Scry in Water. Draw something that represents the spirit of water in your mind. Create your own Water Spell.

3. FIRE. Bonfire or create Fire Spell. Light candles. Hot stones therapy. Scry in Fire. Smudge cleanse the home.

4. WIND. Bike ride. Go to the top of a high point where it is windy. Jump rope. Sky dive, hot air balloon ride. Play tennis. Divination by austromancy. Create a Wind Spell.

5. ETHERIC CHI ENERGY. Focus on seeing Aura. Energy work. Create a new Spell and cast it at midnight in the open air. 

6. SOUND. Play an instrument. Listen to music. Go to a concert. Create a Spell that must be sung.

7. BODY. Orgasm. Message. Sleep. Gym. Eat something decadent or make something you have never had before.

8. EMOTIONS. Watch inspiring videos or listen to a wonderful book on tape. Create something beautiful. Create a Spell of rejoicing.

9. THOUGHTS. Write a poem. Begin a dream journal. Draw or paint your emotions. Write every letter you ever wanted to those you love and hate. Create a spell of your dreams... A prophetic dream spell.

Create a special cleanse of home and body. Use this every day.


This is only a rough draft!


Ammael Appleby
Ammael Appleby


Psychic Medium Sorcery Occultist Divine Oracle Healer, Exorcist & Guide Angel Communication Tarot, Scrying, Dream Interpretation Astrology, Numerology, Pyromancy, Demonomancy

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