Unseen Energy. WHAT is Energy?

by Ammael Appleby May 21, 2016

This is another post I will continue working on it as I go along : )

 Oooo I have posted a new listing...

"What is your Energy Power Level? ~ Spell Creation ~ Spell Outcome"

It is listed under Intuitive Training & Spiritual Development. Sorry if it is hard to find. : (

Based upon what I have been providing for clients who have asked for in the past.

The listing is a Discovery and Counsel Reading on the following...
What are you capable of NOW & ULTIMATELY?
Do you want to know how Powerful you are in Energy?
What Spells are best for you?
What is your Gift in Spells?
Want to have Assistance & Counsel on Creating your own unique Spell?
Need Guidance on the OUTCOME of a Spell you Cast?
Outcome of a Spell you did Cast in the Past?
Discover if ANY Spells have been Cast upon YOU or someone around you!
I will help you Create Your Own Unique Spell!



Now back to the discussion of what is energy...

I had a client send me a question...


"...You say about the energy... I'm afraid I don't know what you actually mean by this "energy", as I dont understand what psychics mean by this..."


I completely understand about the energy thing.

What in the world are we talking about?

What to say?

What words to describe it?

I have natural abilities. And as I walked into the world of psychics as a young adult, trying to find people like myself, I found allot of strange, odd and weird things that people say and do.

I am not completely satisfied with how the world says and describes things around and in us. Most practitioners, psychics, witches, and whatever they like to call themselves... use words to describe magic. I really dont like the word magic myself. It lends one to think of silly magicians in a common recent way. It just makes me feel silly and foolish.

I am more of a mind to say energy.
What we are at the core of everything.
The space in between cells. What keeps us alive. What we exude and use. Energy is right now the best word I can think of to use.

I will use an example to help you understand what I am talking about, when I say "Energy work". I am referring to influence. Effect. We all are connected to each other. I am not trying to sound all feel good mother earthy. It is a scientific fact that we are all sharing the same place time and energy. We are literally made up of all the same stuff as the stars.

Here is my example of energy effect...

You are standing in a room,and you suddenly feel uncomfortable. You turn around and a man is staring at you.

This is another one...

You feel comfortable and happy with one person, and then another person makes you feel uneasy.


One person can say hello to you and it makes you feel fine. Another person says hello, and you feel a sense of panic.

It is a measurable thing. We have only just begun with science to measure it. We can hook a person up to a lie detector and receive data. And guess what, we can hook up a plant to the same lie detector and when someone looks at that plant and thinks about burning it, that plants registers fear, panic.

We all impart a feeling to each other. A place we walk into can feel happy, nothing or even bad.

Some people love to say oh its magic! No it is simple energy.

Now that man that is all angry and staring, can make you feel uneasy.

The person who holds you with love can make you feel peaceful.

A person can think about calling you, and you KNOW they are going to call.

We can control that energy that is in us around us and connecting to everything.

I can connect to that energy and feel and understand what that plant is feeling. I can focus on that plant and feel happiness sing a song, and it will flourish.

Really strange and bizarre but true.

So, why not focus your mind and feelings towards someone? Why not focus on something you wish them to feel, and then they will feel it.
I talk about energy work in a way to help yourself find health, clarity, calm and any number of good things.
You can then focus those things on someone else and they will feel it. It will effect them.

This is all it is. Focus, intent. Some people call it praying. A shaolin monk calls it raising your chi.
It is as simple as clearing your mind, feeling what you wish to feel and then focusing on someone else.

That is it in a nutshell.

Your thoughts and feelings influence others. Humans, animals and even plants : )

I hope this makes better sense.

Ammael Appleby
Ammael Appleby


Psychic Medium Sorcery Occultist Divine Oracle Healer, Exorcist & Guide Angel Communication Tarot, Scrying, Dream Interpretation Astrology, Numerology, Pyromancy, Demonomancy

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