About us

The Ipsissimus Penelope Sorceress

Sorcerer Dwight

The Emergency Psychics


Psychic Medium, Sorcery, Occultist,
Divine Oracle Healer, Exorcist & Guides
Angel Communication, Tarot, Scrying,
Dream Interpretation. Astrology,
Numerology, Pyromancy, Demonomancy


Currently living in the Italian Alps. A serene, lush, mountainous region,
near Frane and Switzerland!

Dwight, retired American Veteran and Gold Medal Winning Chef.

And surely we must mention our deep love for animals and all living life, we've shared our homes and hearts with many furry and non furry creatures from horses, hairless cats, rats, birds *of all kinds*! fish and even scorpions and spiders!

Ammael & Dwight have been available to the Global Elite
for Psychic and Ritual needs for over 40 years and their daughter Penelope who now runs the shop has been doing this for 20 years and began training at the age of 4!

Giving fast and accurate help, to all seeking Direction, Health and Peace.