Lesson V Protect from Evil Dark Energy ~ Energy Warrior Basics ~ Protection Spells.

by Ammael Appleby August 01, 2016

This is a work in progress.
GUIDLINES BEFORE you attempt Protection, Spells or any Energy Work concerning Dark Energies, Curses, Evil intent aimed at you.

A quick outline of what to do for yourself  & your loved ones,

if you are under Negative Energy Attack.



Always contact Ammael if you feel a serious threat to your health or safety or sanity.


Look to the Listing...

"INSTRUCTION & Consult ONLY of Ritual Energy Spell Work"

for Expert Advise and Direction from Ammael on how to create and perform your own Powerful Spell work and Protection.


Also the amazing listing...

"Duet Ritual Energy Spellwork"

An opportunity to create and perform an All Powerful spell WITH The Ipsissimus Magus Ammael!


Now to the blog :)

1. The moment you feel an odd sense of negative. A feeling of dread. Worry. Anxiety. Fear.

You must immediately find a place of calm peace and happiness.

That energy feeling and negative thought you feel very well may be an attack upon you. And the first step is to stop it.

By thinking and feeling the opposite.

Fell happiness, joy, love and peace.

Think of something that makes you fill with joy.

Do NOT dwell upon the negative, you are then openning a door to it and giving it more strength within you. A curse can only effect you if you let it.


Joy, Love, Peace and Happiness are ALWAYS more powerful than any negative energy. The key is to hold only these good energies within your heart and mind.


So the moment you feel negative

think and feel and fill yourself with happiness, joy, love and peace.


If at any time you notice extreme changes in your environment, mind or physical body that cause you severe alarm, contact Ammael immediately. This could mean you are being haunted or watched by an ill intent or evil entity.


2. Imagine yourself happy. Laughing. In a safe place.

Protected and surrounded by loved ones.

Or imagine you are safe in a secluded spot where no one can see you.

Imagine you are standing or sitting and you are surrounded by great light that nothing can see through or penetrate in any way. 

Feel this light flowing through you. Keeping you warm and safe.

You can only hear your breathing.




3. Imagine your loved ones with you in this safe happy loved place of light.





4. Imagine the person who you think is cursing you there with you.

Happy safe. Eyes closed resting peacefully next to you.

This step is now effectively stopping that person from feeling and using the darkness. They will also find healing.

They will begin to learn to think and feel only good safe things about you.

They will feel odd and uncomfortable thinking about evil towards you.

The more you do all of these steps the stronger you get.

The more the sick individual weakens. The more you and everyone around you heals.

The safer everyone is.


A true Energy Warrior wants everyone to be safe and healed.

You must want everyone to be peaceful and filled with love.

The ideal is that we are all connected and all at peace together.


When I perform Protection Spells, I not only look to the client needing protection. I also look to the individual or entity who is casting evil and darkness outwards. I wish all to be healed safe happy and loved and peaceful. This is the ultimate way to protect everyone. 




5. Talismans, Oils, Candles etc.

Yes specific made items do have an energy enhancing effect.

Help one focus more clearly.

Can be blessed and hold power.

Specific symbols and words do hold unique vibrational power.

Once you have accomplished all the previous 4 steps mentioned then your mind and energy are in the right place to harness additional energy to help aid you in protection.

What symbols, objects, herbs and oils you use will depend upon your special circumstances.

Also making your own objects makes them more powerful.

And the most powerful of all are having the candle, talisman or sachets are made by myself as an Ipsissimus Magus. Ask for details and prices on a special item of protection for you and your loved ones.

Consult with me ...Ammael for these details.

Strong warnings though. Use great caution on what you use. Be sure your heart and mind are only filled with good and positive energy. What you create becomes a part of you. Create darkness and that will become a part of you.




6.  Words.

A step which is not typically necessary, is special specific words. What many imagine as the main crux of a Spell.

Saying some special word or phrase.

Take strong special note as in #5.

Consult with me before you use any words in creating a protective spell.




7. Time, place, date.

Yes this is also an additional boost to any Spell.

But know that the strongest Spells are continuous.

They begin and dont end for many hours, days, weeks and even months depending upon your stamina.

Yes when you begin your Spell does have effect.

This is all dependent upon your special circumstances. Again consult with me before beginning. Do not just follow some random book or internet spell date and time. This can end in serious consequences for you as the spell caster.




8. Where to place oils, herbs, talismans etc. How to use and where.

Yes where you put a talisman or any other blessed protected object has an effect.

As before mentioned, consult with me before burying, burning, placing or using any special Spelled item. Also be sure to consult with me before you take any personal object, likeness of someone else and bury it. Or before you place a special object with someone of your intent.




Ammael Appleby
Ammael Appleby


Psychic Medium Sorcery Occultist Divine Oracle Healer, Exorcist & Guide Angel Communication Tarot, Scrying, Dream Interpretation Astrology, Numerology, Pyromancy, Demonomancy

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