LESSON I ~ Energy Work, Spells, Harness Chi, Meditation, Effective Prayers, Become an Energy Warrior!

by Ammael Appleby May 20, 2016

A work in progress. Please forgive the poor grammar.
May these steps help guide you and those connected to you to a healthier more peaceful and successful life : )
To read more about what energy is, look my other blog "Unseen Energy"
also I have posted a NEW LISTING
"Duet Ritual Energy Spell Work" where you can create and cast a spell with me. : )
I call it ENERGY WORK. Some people say meditation, spell work, ritual, praying and sometimes telepathic implants...etc.
I need to collect and compile all the terms and ways that this Energy Work effects our lives.
*Find Clarity
*Breaking of Energy Ties
*Break Negative Cycles
*Bring Clarity
*Bring Strength to yourself and others
*Protect yourself from negative energy & thoughts from yourself or others
*Energy Protection from Negative Spells, Entities Ghosts etc.
*Strengthen your own personal psychic abilities
*Hone your ability for when people are thinking negative, lying etc.
*Break negative from past lives
*Strengthen Reiki Healing abilities
*Healing of your own and others Etheric Body
*Connection to Akashic Universal Knowledge
*Become and Energy Warrior!
*Energy Cleansing of home
*Build a Strong connection with a Spirit Guide or Guardian.
*Be understood by others.
*Have others to feel a Peace, Joy or Happiness when they think of you or are with you.
I am sure I will add more later : ).....
Know that you are capable of connecting to any person.
When you think of them they can feel it.
You are effecting their energy.
When they think of you, you can feel that.
They are effecting your energy.
When you feel a random sudden odd feeling and thoughts that seemingly make no sense to you... this will most likely be something extreme running through someones life that you are connected to, at that moment and you feel it.
What we are going to do, is use this line of energy to help you and someone else, feel and think healthy healing things. And also begin working on breaking Energy Ties when they are not healthy for you to be connected to.
I am going to give you a fun and easy light way at looking at this process first....
A sort of Lesson 1. for the seriously confused : )
  • The first thing you need to do, is forget about "meditation". Yes I can accomplish a meditative state quite beautifully. I have nothing against meditation. I spent time in China and studied Shaolin. I spent hours every day in meditation with what I would consider to be the finest teachers and practitioners of it. Later in my studies with the monks, I learned a further step into and harness Chi Chi, wherein they taught me how to use my Chi or energy as a weapon of defense and offense. From the seen and unseen battles in life from within us and from outside sources.

    And as an Energy Master, one is able to not only harness their own Chi, but the Chi or Energy from anywhere in the universe.

    Let us begin!...

    This is not quite meditation.
    This is active feeling.
    Thinking without words.

    1. Your first assignment (oh joy more work right?!) is to find the funniest dang movie or stand up comic you can find. It can be raunchy like ...


    please dont be offended.

    Or it can be downright silliness Disney style.

    But watch something that makes you laugh, far too hard, to think about anything else.

    Yes your assignment is to laugh your butt off.

    Once you are laughing your butt off...Now turn off this maniacal movie and keep thinking and laughing about it. Turn it back on and repeat. Watch, Laugh, repeat. keep going.

    This is a step of release.

    Then a step of acceptance.

    To let go of the world of worry concerns and heaviness.
    Accept the hilarious laughter we have in our world. Find that funny bone and laugh. Practice by turning it off and on. Practice by allowing yourself to continue with laughter whether it is on or off.

    It is that easy!

    Lesson 1.:  LAUGHTER

    Now if you find yourself far too grumpy to find anything to laugh about, well then my job begins : ) Let me know and I will step in and see what I can do to help you find laughter.

The key to all powerful works is a pure clean heart, mind and personal energy. The ability to only feel, and hold no thoughts. 
To focus and clear your mind.
Know that the more you work on this, the stronger your energy becomes and your ability to heal yourself and others. To have more effective energy work.
To attract and bring good into your life.
To be seen by the right people.
To feel and know when people are not having healthy intent.
To be able to focus on a ritual task and strengthen your personal natural abilities.
The strength to build and hold an energetic protective barrier around yourself and someone you have in mind to do so with.
Practice these steps as if you were preparing for a marathon.
One step at a time.
These are energy muscles in a manner of speaking. Know with proper focus and time, they will become stronger and easier to use. Your energy muscles ; )
Start with accomplishing 5 minutes of clear energy work in the morning and at night before bed.
The ability to hold the feelings of pure joy and happiness WITHOUT any thoughts, is an amazing experience.
First goal is to be able to hold a clear pure joy for 5 minutes. Eventually you will be able to hold this energy of joy and then it turns into healing peace.
After that eventually you will be able to reach out and have this peaceful healing energy run through you all the time. Non stop. 
Then after that, you will be able to give and impart this healing peaceful energy to anyone you wish.
Know that doing just exercise #1 will strengthen and bless you and all around you including those who think of you.
Know that synchronicity will flow into your life.
Healing and success in a true way.
People wonder why I say Joy and then Peace.
Why not respond to someone in anger? Why not focus on power for powers sake?
When we put ourselves, our ego into anything, it ends the true connection with the universe of true energy. 
The deepest success comes from healing, love and peace. We create in love and peace.
We want success not destruction.
If someone causes me harm, I want them to truly learn and cease and desist. When anyone expresses anger and violence or lack of fairness it is due to inner sickness on their part.
I want them to stop, and the only way is by healing their energy first.
Also, understand as an Energy Master I can see all energy.
People seek the most powerful way to protect themselves and seek all manner of good things.
The most powerful energy there is, comes from... 
1. Love
2. Peace
3. Joy, Happiness
4. Compassion, Rejoicing & Inspiration OR LOVE HUGS : )
down the list are the energies of fear, anger and confusion.
The most effective and powerful of all is pure Love.
I choose to walk people through Happiness Laughter first. For we are all flawed and this is the easiest way to begin. It is an amazingly powerful healing energy. Laughter is truly powerful! And practicing laughter and holding onto it automatically turns in Peace within us after we hold onto it without thought, for about 5-20 minutes. What I mean is, if you start with the easiest energy which is laughter. You practice holding and feeling it within yourself for about 5-20 minutes that laughter will naturally turn into Peace. The amazingly powerful energy only known as Peace.
A truly balanced person can call up the Pure Love. But it is rare. We ourselves get in the way. The few moments we know this Pure Love is in spurts of our lives. A mother who gives birth and sees and smells her child for the first time physically. A connection and a leap of Pure Love occurs almost every time at birth. If a woman has ever given birth she has a great gift to return to that time and place and recall that Pure Love. With great skill and extreme effort that mother can harness that Great Energy more easily due to that experience.
I can talk all day about these things. Let me walk you through some basic steps to follow.
You need to be still in your mind. 
No words. 
Only feel happiness and peace. 
This takes some practice. I recommend finding something that makes you laugh. This is one of the strongest energy forces there is, laughter. So maybe put on a stand up comic or watch a really funny movie.
Imprint into your mind that laughter. Feel the laughter. As a beginner use a movie or something to literally listen to and watch to help you get started.
In time you can call up the laughter anywhere and at any time.
Allow yourself to laugh and not think. 
No prayers.
No special thoughts.
No candles, oils, clothing, location. Alone or in a crowd. You can fill yourself to every corner with the energy of laughter and joy! : )
Step 1, is being able to laugh within your spirit without words.
To know you are ready for step 2, means you can call up the wordless energy of joy and laughter anywhere and hold it constant easily for at least 5 minutes.
I want you to know that accomplishing this one step alone will change your life!
First step is filling with wordless joy and laughter and holding it for at least 5 minutes.
Now you wish to heal or help someone.
When you are laughing and not thinking about anything... only feeling and knowing laughter, then go ahead and see someone you wish to heal in some way... 
next to you laughing right with you.
See someone next to you laughing with you. 
There are no words or prayers or special words you use here.
It is pure emotion and the ability to see them laughing with you. Next to you laughing and happy. So watch something hilarious and laugh until you are falling over with laughter, then imagine and see and hear them with you. In that moment they will feel that. They will feel joy laughter and think of you all at the same time. This connecting you both in good feelings and thoughts.
The ability to clear your mind and only feel pure joy, 
then to envision someone next to you feeling the same.
This is what I call "The Reach".
In this moment you are connecting to someone.
The truly feel what you are feeling.
If they have emotional stress or physical dis-ease in any way this will aid in giving them relief and healing.
If they are connected to bad energy, harm themselves or have others around them that are harming them, this will help them heal and see truth more easily. Feel a little more the strength needed to change their life.
We connect and reach anything we think about.
We Connect and reach.
When someone thinks about calling us we can feel it.
So many fancy words on claircognizance or clairsentience etc, bottom line we are connecting.
The more you practice #1 & #2 the stronger you become. The greater that connection. The greater ability to help aid and heal. The greater success for good.
You can Reach and Connect to anyone and anything.
A person in China, or a tree next to you.
Everyone has the ability to connect because we are all literally connected anyway!
We have trained ourselves to only use a limited part of ourselves.
Waking these energy areas up will make them stronger.
Step 3. is flowing into the next level which is the stronger energy level only truly described as Peace.
Depending on your own inner hurts and suffering will determine how long it takes for you to be able to find complete overflowing peace.
Some people practice #1. & #2 for over a year before they heal their own energy enough to be able to allow the Universal Energy of Peace to flow through them.
Most people typically will feel a flash of this All Healing Peace after about 5-20 minutes of holding Laughter and Joy.
You will fade. Your physical eyes will darken slightly to completely.
Your body becomes altered.
You feel a warm flowing of water like energy flow over you from head to toe.
You will feel yourself sinking and flowing into this energy and into the ground and out to wherever it is your are drawn to.
Know that you are completely protected and utterly safe in this energetic position. 
Nothing can harm you.
I also want to share with you an interesting fact.
As I studied in China for Shaolin training. I was taught these techniques under names such as Chi, Chi Gong, Meditation and such.
A monks goal is to walk through life holding onto pure peace and love for the highest skilled. They can stand in the face of anything and hold onto such strong pure peace that they can have someone strike them brutally and they are unharmed. This is an extreme level of energy skill. It is a fact that when we practice these things we can literally protect our physical body.
We are safe in these practices.
We are healing our energy and eventually our physical bodies as well.
We can bring someone else into this healing.
And we can eventually with determination and patience protect ourselves physically as well.
This is only a short list of things you can accomplish with these practices.
Practice #3
Be able to find laughter within yourself without any prompting. 
Anyplace, anywhere, anytime.
When you begin to get strong at this energy work, you will first become filled with Joy and then after being able to hold pure Joy for about 5-20 minutes continuously, you will flow into a stronger level of energy. It will feel like a warm washing over you of Peace. 
A deep glorious warming peace. 
Pure Peace. Work on this as often as you can. Wordless Peace. 
Always remember you can achieve this while doing anything. But you do not have words you are trying to say to your ex.It is ONLY emotions. 
The goal is to be able to practice and hold #3 WORDLESS PEACE for at least 20 minutes. 
When you are holding onto Wordless Peace and time disappears and you suddenly come awake and a space of time has gone by, you have accomplished Wordless Peace. Then you are ready to work on #4.
A fair warning, this level of Energy work is so completely satisfying to experience you may need to be careful of every day normal life.
If you know you have an appointment, be sure to set an alarm or begin far in advance of any event you need to attend to. In time with skill you can set an internal alarm clock, but that is for another day to discuss: )
A truly wonderful and special place to go to in life!
After you achieve #3 in life and can hold that Wordless peace for about 20 minutes, next you envision someone next to you, experiencing this with you.
Know that at this level that the other person will experience many possibilities that may surprise them.
Healing, struggle to continue doing unhealthy things, odd dreams directing them to change their life. They may call you. etc.
This is now a level of energy work that you can imbue energy into a physical object.
To hold onto an object such as a talisman or stone someone would want to use for healing etc.
Depending on how skilled you are, the object and how long you can continuously hold this energy, will determine the length of time the object will hold this energy. And also, how that object is later used and by whom.
One could also if skilled enough, focus on a business and contents of the business and imbue this energy to flow from it to anyone who sees those objects.
There is a vast amount of practical applications at this level, I should really write a book on it : )
Everyone and everything is connected.
When you feel a sudden odd thought or seemingly random burst of emotions, this is someone thinking about you. Or someone near you that is leaping in connection towards you directly.
A person destined to be a Healer specifically, will draw people to them that need healing. The Healer will feel this. Do at least step #1 to be sure your energy is protected from connecting and soaking in any unhealthy energy.
We are all connected and technically responsible to cause only healing in our world. To cause no harm. To help heal and balance.
When a situation arises that someone crosses your path that is in need of healing, be sure to exercise #1 first to protect yourself before intentionally connecting to anyone. Then be sure that you are capable and strong enough to handle connecting in a more definite way to someone.
Always keep yourself safe above all.
It does no one any good if you suffer trying to heal someone.
You first.
If someone is too steeped in negative find someone to help them and know you have done what you can.And be at peace.
Another example is when you feel a leap of connection come to you, pay attention as to how it makes you feel.
Nothing evil can "pretend" to be "good"
If you feel peace then know it is of a good nature.
if you feel any panic, stress, worry, fear, impending doom. Immediately go to #1 and continue as far as you are skilled to.
In these steps you are building a wall of protection of energy.
If in some odd circumstance that you are being attacked directly and feel overwhelmed, contact me. I can help you and guide you.
Another point to know.
Before any and all magical practices of the "Arts" any way you wish to describe using energy, harnessing power, universal information, personal psychic skills or gifts etc, always seek these steps before you begin. This focuses your energy into a safe place.
You are more in tune with yourself.
Your energy is stronger.
You are protected above all.
I recommend being able to hold #1 for 20 minutes with no effort before beginning any ritual of any type.
This is an oddly overlooked area of life.
First I want you to imagine a dog crossing a street and being hit by a car.
You run out into the street and try and give him tender words, he bites you and lashes at your care.
This is what will happen to you at some point in the future.
Not specifically the dog, but in energy response from other people and possibly animals that are suffering.
When you practice Energy Work.
People around you will typically find peace and joy thinking about you and being near you.
But there are those who are injured and crying out in such energetic dis-ease that they may lash at you out of the blue, for no apparent reason.
You are just standing there and someone loses their marbles at you. Extreme violent response of emotions.
You are at the stop light too long, the cashier, the student next to you, your marriage partner, your friend...anyone.
A seemingly bizarre over the top response of emotions burst from them.
Your energy will grow and swell and spread around you, and depending on the person animal or plant, they will respond differently.
Your energy may awaken a need, a panic even.
A man walking in the snow is so dehydrated and frozen he now only feels burning heat. Until he is offered something. When given the opportunity to heal, they can react like a violent animal suddenly awakened from a stupor.
A person can be burned so badly they dont feel the pain until cold water is poured on it, then they scream.
Does this make sense?
When faced with the opposite they come alive in a most aggressive and painful way.
First step is to be prepared.
Accept, and protect yourself.
Then have compassion and in a safe place focus on healing yourself from the hurt you felt from them, and then focus on them feeling joy and then peace.
Most of the time this healing will happen hours later in the safety of your home.
Very few individuals are capable of standing in the face of an attacker and exude Pure Peace and extend that Healing Peace to the person no matter what.
Lets leave that to the Shaolin Monks :)
Immediately focus on separating yourself from that persons negative energy and then eventually helping them from a safe distance.
If you are in a position to respond verbally, always be compassionate and say what is necessary to sooth them.Let them know you are listening to them, and understand.
And here we come around to one of the powerful energy sources. Compassion
I add this one because without compassion we are pure ego.
And that is a separation from All.
We are We. This is my families motto.
We are All apart of the same energy.
One of the only ways to strengthen Compassion is to literally practice it.
In truth Compassion is Communing.
We cannot accomplish the Energy of Compassion until we are actively sharing it with someone else.
This is almost impossible to exercise on your own.
I put this at the pinnacle of the list of things to exercise.I place this as higher than Peace even.
It is a lofty goal to achieve.
It is something to aspire to and be.
Go to a safe place where people are in need.
I am not suggesting to put yourself in harms way.
Go to a nursing home.
Sit in your car outside first and do #1- #3.
Be protected and strong in your energy.
You are not there to soak in their suffering you are there to share in Compassion and your Healing energy.
Go in and offer to read, or play the guitar etc.
Walk down the halls until you feel a good room. And easy and approachable room first.
Go in and sit.
Focus on #1-#3 again.
Now look at this person and feel Compassion.
Here in is a lesson to practice and exercise away from other people. To achieve this feeling on your own.
This is not the complete culmination, when there is no true sharing, but in our world today we have opportunities to experience this in part.
So to practice instead of finding a video or audfio that creates within you amazing laughter, we seek a video or something truly inspiring and that fills us with compassion to the point of teraful rejoicing.
I have found a video of a simple event, a competition. Watch this video at at the end, try to experience the rejoicing triumph and compassion you feel for this young mans journey...
The feelings you will most likely are COMPASSION, REJOICING & INSPIRATION.
So, how does one use this in a Spell, Energy work, Healing?
As you did with laughter. You feel this rejoicing compassion till you tear with rejoicing and share it with someone, by picturing them right there with you. Or you envision that person you wish to feel this glorious healing energy, up on that stage being triumphant, as that young man.

Ammael Appleby
Ammael Appleby


Psychic Medium Sorcery Occultist Divine Oracle Healer, Exorcist & Guide Angel Communication Tarot, Scrying, Dream Interpretation Astrology, Numerology, Pyromancy, Demonomancy

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