Lesson III ENERGY PROTECTION~ Break Curses or Energetic Ties with Someone

by Ammael Appleby May 29, 2016

When you have an ex you need to break away from in mind heart and energy...
what do you do?!
How do you get them out of your mind?
How do you stop the cycle of repeatedly seeking out people like them?!
Has someone threatened you with a Hex, Spell or Curse?
Put an end to NEGATIVE ENERGY!



Break Energetic Ties with anyone....


A parent




Someone you worked with

A "Psychic" Spell Caster who is now threatening you

and many more situations!

 contact Ammael if you are unsure which Energy Work is best for you to work on.



So today I have had a client come to me in distress over a situation with a so called "psychic spell caster" who has been known to threaten clients. Creating an atmosphere of threats through spells etc. What in the world can one do when one is threatened by the unseen world of energy? Here is a portion of her message to me...


"I'm concerned...there is a young girl I know who had used a psychic and has been threatened. Myself and many other girls had got cleanses of this lady in November. That's actually when my boyfriend stopped talking to me! We had no contact since I had other work by her as she appeared genuine. She has threatened me before and a few others. I had reported her, as she was cancelling my orders yet keeping my money on 11 occasions they investigated and said they can't discuss with me about this and the case is now closed.

 The thing is she told this girl she will end up with nothing... her ex will get married have 3 kids. Really scared her about her future as if nothing good will ever come her way now.Threatened her by saying that she "has her photos"!

She has photos we had all given for the cleanse! This has really affected me, as I trusted her. Now I'm worried she will use my photos of me and my boyfriend against me. And the photos of others, all because we were not happy as we found out she was cancelling orders and still getting paid and that nobody had any results from their love cleanse.

I have now realized I will not being doing any spell work etc like that again! 

I'm happy to do stuff like what you suggest.

I'm just worried this lady will curse us all now and put out our photos on the Internet. I am not sure how to protect us?"


This just makes me so sad!

So much to discuss after reading that distressed letter!

Let's focus....

First what is this angry negative spell caster doing?

Understand what I give to you, is given to me in kind. I focus on anger, rage, hate and negative... that seeps through my own soul and energy BEFORE it gets to anyone else.

I am in essence, more effected by my own thoughts and feelings than anyone else is.

So for anyone to focus negative or evil intent towards someone else, it must first go through themselves.


Now lets step back and take a look at the bigger picture here.

We are here all connected to one another.

We are all responsible to each other to show love and grace and patience. To bring healing and peace in this world. There are repercussions to negative thinking and living. Now or later it will reap its own negative rewards. 

Even as a child I said...

"In the end, all is made right"

We all know intrinsically that there is a price to pay for our thoughts and actions.

So do not jump on the side of the fence of negativity and fear.


This psychic shop owner is threatening others. Using fear to manipulate other people. Why?

They hold great fear in their own hearts and minds.


How do I respond? What do I do? As an Energy Warrior or one who Protects self and others through Energy...what do I do?


For that shop owner and everyone involved. Anyone who comes in contact with a fearful soul will be negatively effected. It is like a virus. FEAR...Sneaks in through the barriers and replicates. FEAR...Explodes forth and continues on its path of destruction of the host. And then FEAR will jump and infect anyone nearby if it can!

In COMPASSION I connect to that person holding so much fear and compassionately fill them with HEALING Energy. I am not looking to keep feeding the Fear by responding in more fear and anger. I respond in Healing Compassion. I want them to feel love, Peace and Compassion. I want them to know peace. When they feel these beautiful things, they cannot possibly continue hurting others. Take away their fear and anger and confusion and they are left with no reason to hurt anyone else.

 Heal this person who is threatening you!

Focus Healing Compassionate Energy towards them!


In the process you are leaving no room for their negative Energy to infect you.

Healing them and sending them Good energy will keep out and eventually block all bad energy from them in the future! AND most importantly, you are healing them and stopping them from feeling comfortable with causing fear in others.


As an Energy Warrior, or one who is capable of helping others, know that when you are faced with someone like that threatening person, it is an opportunity for you to help MANY people! This is a gift and calling for you to do something to help everyone!

So instead of feeling frightened that someone is attacking you...see it as someone who needs your help. That the universe has brought them to your life for a reason. You were drawn to them to help heal them.


I have yet to come across any psychic on the internet that has any real power beyond the normal average person. So do not imagine some all powerful evil soul aiming a hex at you that will burn your house down etc. This is just going to be a run of the mill neighbor who shouts threats at you and thinks bad things and makes you feel uncomfortable. If a person keeps focusing on the bad feelings and bad words or threats aimed at them, then it can escalate a bit, but still not life threatening. A curse is generally only as strong as the person who holds it in their own mind and energy.

So a person who is depressed, and generally full of fear and anxiety in life will have a more difficult time with an energy threat. But it can be handled and gotten rid of.


There are various ways of looking at this Breaking process.
Sometimes, I call it reprogramming of the mind. A part of the Energy Work I teach is this. Positive thinking. Retraining your mind and energy to focus on good and pushing away the negative energy. When you fill your heart and mind with good feelings or energy, all the negative gets pushed away. The more you do this, the less and less a hold that negative has on you. And eventually that specific negative energy from that person cannot get in at all. Like your radio wont tune into that station any more.

Retrain your mind and heart.

Reprogram how your Heart and Mind and Energy thinks and feels.

When you feel any negative, immediately feel compassion, happiness, laughter or any good positive energy.

This is important. The moment you feel a negative know this could be coming from within you OR it could be the negative Energy from a specific person or some "Spell" they have cast towards you. Respond immediately to any negative thought or feeling with positive Energy Work. Do not allow negative, fear, worry, anger etc to sit within you for any moment. Become an Energy Warrior. Respond immediately with Compassion, Love, Peace, Laughter or Joy.

What is going on? A person may be thinking about you. Focusing their mind and energy towards you. Thinking they want you to fail somehow. You then feel that energy connection. And then at that moment you decide how far that virus is going to get into you. Attack it with the opposite...or give in to fear and let it in and take root further.


You are able to combat this!

Know that all positive Energy is far stronger and longer lasting than any Negative Energy!


Did you know this?

The most powerful Energy in all our Universe is LOVE. Love literally is its own unique Energy. I can literally see LOVEs Energy.

At the top of the list of power of Energy is Love and then a whole host of other positive Energies come after it. LOVE is enduring. Ever lasting. Rage hate fear and anger last only so long and need to be fed constantly. So know that responding with peace, joy, happiness, compassion is a far greater Energy to hold. Positive Energy is the greater weapon.


So matter what some bad or "evil" person is aiming at you, if you hold positive energy in your heart you have nothing to fear!


This is hard to explain. So please forgive me : )


One must find a way to HEAL the person who is demonstrating FEAR and ANGER and CONFUSION towards others. React as if suddenly you meet someone who has cancer. They are sick and dying inside. 

We all have within ourselves what we need. We all can connect to the world around us and glean wisdom and help on our own.

You are not helpless or vulnerable if you do just a few simple things : )




Lets discuss lesson III first...

Breaking Energy Ties, Breaking Hexes, Breaking Negative Spells.

Breaking Negative Habits in others around you.


I love this one!

You must first work on yourself first.

Before you can heal others you need to heal yourself.

You must be able to honestly hold good energy within yourself before you can for others.

And to heal anyone else, you must genuinely care and have compassion for them as well!


The first focus is COMPASSION.

See the person in mind as sick. Full of cancer or a virus making them filled with sickness. Dis-ease. Imagine they are a dog struck by a car and you try and help them and they snap and attack you. They are so filled with pain, suffering, fear, anger and confusion, they do not think or see straight.


Now we focus on CLARITY

To see the truth. To have all the fear  and anger set aside. Understand that the person you want to break ties with is not thinking clearly. They are being blinded by dis-ease and fear to see straight. They do not see the universe clearly. They are not enlightened to truth. If they understood truth and the Higher Laws they would not want to aim negative at anyone out of fear, they would want you to heal. So you need to want them to heal and see things clearly.



To hold, comfort, sooth.

A person who is sick needs to be protected from themselves and the world in general. They need to know comfort. You must be able to feel a genuine desire to comfort them. See them as filled with dis-ease and fear. That they are suffering and you simply want to hold them and make their pain go away.



As odd as this sounds you must see that they are sick and you want to protect them from harming themselves and anyone else. But the main focus is imagine they are feeling horror. They are not seeing correctly. They are hallucinating that they have bugs burrowing under their skin and they begin to claw away at their own flesh! They are harming themselves! When they aim anger and fear at others they are aiming far more suffering at themselves that they are blind to! So weep for their self inflicting pain!

Have a genuine heart to Protect them from themselves.



As you would anyone you love.Know they are suffering. Their lashing out in threats is not making them feel genuinely good. Deep down the feel sick and ill at ease.

Have a clear heart and mind to HEAL them.

Can you do all these things for them?

Do you genuinely want them to feel comforted, clear minded, compassion and protected?

This is quite important. Do not proceed with the actual Lesson III until you can say you hold these things in your heart for them!

Otherwise you are continuing with the virus of Fear Anger and Vindication. Do not seek in anything other than positive as I pointed out above.


Work on yourself first. Do Energy Work step 1.and do not go further until you can feel good compassion for them. Heal your own heart first.



If you can not quite bring yourself to forgive, that is fine and just focus on the positive Energy Work Step 1. This exercise in and of itself will accomplish a breaking of the Negative Energy Ties you hold with anyone.

Doing Step 1 alone will break negative Energy aimed at you from anyone you know about or don't know about.

Also know that even if you do not know the persons true name, have their photo or know what they look like, this is irrelevant! You are responding to negative energy. You are connecting through their signal. Their radio frequency. You are feeling their negative and sending back on that Energy Stream positive.


Know that the more you do these steps the less and less their Negative Energy has effect upon you. In time any of their negative Energy will not even reach you. It is like you are building an immunity to their virus.






Step 1. Feel Positive Energy:

1.*The moment you feel any negative Energy. Thoughts, feelings...anything negative...immediately think of something positive. Then feel happiness. Laughter, Joy.

Imagine you are somewhere that makes you completely happy. On a beach with an umbrella drink in your hand. Or sitting by a Christmas tree with your loved one. FEEL happiness. Dont say anything. This is not about words. This MUST be wordless feeling.

The greatest power comes from Energy. And Energy has no words. When you think words, or say a spell or say a prayer, it weakens the energy. You must FEEL what you want to happen.


Feel Laughter, Joy, Peace and calm. Any Positive Energy that comes to you.



Step 2. Share Positive Energy:

2. *Imagine the person in mind who is causing you trouble, stress or any negative events...imagine them right there with you in your Positive place.

Step 1 is to find a positive place within yourself. Something that makes you fill up with absolute joy, laughter, peace etc. Then step 2 is seeing the troubled person with you and feeling the same things as you. See them with you happy, laughing and peaceful.



Step 3. Embrace:

3. *Go back to step 1 if you have to restrengthen yourself or if thoughts or words come into your mind.

Step 3 is about EMBRACE.

Now embrace the person who is trying to cause you stress or harm. The person who you want to leave behind and no longer be effected by in any negative way.

Practice 1 & 2 and now Embrace them. You are in a happy place filling up with joy laughter and peace and you can see them there with you happy and laughing as well, and now you Embrace them. You hold them. This is immensely powerful. They will feel this! It is going to be as strong as your mind and heart can feel this.


Feel them in your arms and feel the joy.

Do these steps when ever you feel something negative. 

How long do you try to do this?

As long as you can!

A "Continuous Spell" is something that can be help without stop for a specified amount of time. So practice and exercise.

It is like a muscle. You must practice these steps.

At first you will only be able to hold laughter in your heart for a moment before thoughts and distractions come to you. Your first goal is to be able to hold Positive Energy for 5 minutes. When you can do this then things are really getting somewhere amazing!




Ammael Appleby
Ammael Appleby


Psychic Medium Sorcery Occultist Divine Oracle Healer, Exorcist & Guide Angel Communication Tarot, Scrying, Dream Interpretation Astrology, Numerology, Pyromancy, Demonomancy

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