€3,378.00 €500,000.00
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1. You can either send Ammael Perform a High Ritual and discover the ultimate MASTER Stone of Power for you and send it to you. She will discover it, cleanse it, charge it and protect it.
2. You can send The Magus your own chosen stone. She will Cleanse it, Charge it and Protect it and send it back to you along with any of your other items she deems you need for your Ritual life.
3. Item of Power will come in its own Sachet/ Bag of Power & Protection to hold this precious Ritual item to carry with you anywhere. Any other healing stones you have. Tarot Cards. Master Pendulum. Key of Ceromancy.
4. The Sachet of Power....is an amazing item to own! Also useful to put other items of sensitive objects of ritual use you may own. Other stones, Ritual wand, or any other talisman you may have. Can be used to put a CURSED OBJECT into it, to contain its evil energies! This Sachet bag of Protection will be something that will Protect you and any other objects that will fit into it! So if you get ahold of a cursed object...place it in this Blessed Protection bag and the evil energies will be contained and any other stones or talismans in it will also help contain the negative energies from getting out.
5. This amazingly Powerful Sachet Bag of Protection and Power will also Cleanse and Charge most items you have! All standard stones, and Talismans that fit in it will be cleansed, charged and Protected by this Powerful Ritual item! And .....Some cursed objects.... will be Cleansed and Healed and even energized by being placed in this Bag of Power as well! This will be dependant upon the Power level of the cursed object and if it is literally possessed by an evil entity. Some items you place in this Sachet Bag of Power may even drive away an Evil Demonic Entity completely!
As you can see this Ritual Sachet Bag of Protection & Power is an amazing item in itself to own!
You will receive a talisman or stone of Power and Protection as well as a Bag Sachet of Protection and Power with this order.
It will become an all powerful item of protection from all negative energy. Which you can carry with you at all times. To keep you safe from hexes, curses, possession, hauntings and any evil psychic attack.
Contact Ammael today to discuss your needs.
No matter how extreme your life and needs may be, Ammael can help!
Allow up to 1 month for process to be complete and to recieve your Ritual item of Power and Protection.
Psychic protection is important for anyone who is doing spiritual or psychic development work, including if you are participating in a meditation circle.
Once you become adept at making contact with the higher realms, you will understand more fully the risks that you face, and will wish to prevent psychic attacks.
But many people at the beginning may be unaware of the problems, so are not protecting themselves adequately.
Once you open yourself up to spirit, you should begin to take psychic protection measures to protect yourself from psychic attack.
Many of us have innate psychic gifts that we are born with, and it is common for these gifts or abilities to just begin, with no warning. The development of psychic abilities may happen to you somewhat unintentionally.
If you have been using or wearing high energy crystals, they have the potential to magnify your psychic gifts, almost suddenly. Often though it is when you begin spiritual development, including participating in meditation groups.
When you participate in a group meditation, or a spiritual development circle, it is common for you to do guided meditations. These groups are often aimed at developing psychic gifts, mostly clairvoyance or psychic visions and clairsentience or psychometry.
These will often do meditation in a group, with a guided meditation that may take you into deep relaxed inner awareness.
It is very common for any of you who have the potential to develop psychic gifts, to make contact with spirits at these times. Mostly it is your personal guides that you contact, but occasionally it is not.
It is because of this, that it is important to take care that you always protect yourself. While it is uncommon for these spirits to want to harm you, it can happen.
Most of you may know that you have a guardian angel or spirit guide who looks after your well-being. Although they do their best to ensure that you are protected, you still need to take action to prevent any attacks that might come.
Sometimes the type of problem that you may encounter may be a spirit, but sometimes it is not.
Often it is more like a negative vibration, released by other people. It may not be deliberate, and may not even be aimed at you.
Occasionally someone is thinking a specific negative thought about you, and these have the potential to cause you problems, especially if this person is a gifted psychic, even if they don't know they are.
This is the time when psychic protection is necessary.
The negative vibrations also have the potential to harm those that are using them, so take care not to use your gifts to try to harm anyone else.
Not everyone who has psychic gifts knows they are doing this, as not everyone is aware that they have these skills.
Misuse of psychic powers can bring health problems to you if you are doing it.
The vibration of the planet has been lifting quite quickly over the last ten years, and the gifts of many people have now come to life.
Many people are developing psychic clairvoyant ability, clairsentient gifts or discover they have some level of psychic skills, and have the potential to be aware of this negativity.
Sometimes you take this unwanted energy into your own energy field, and it effects you badly.
There are quite a few ways to protect yourself from this, and the first and very effective method of psychic protection is to build a protective shield around yourself every day.
Imagine that your protective shield is like a large cloak, which you slip around you. As you wake up each morning, you use your imagination to create this cloak, and then place it around you.
You pull the hood up and over your head and the cloak falls to your feet. At that time I also like to white light myself.
The cloak you create may be of any color you choose, and this color will also resonate within your aura to give your overall abilities an extra bit of help.
For instance: maybe you are about to do a presentation on a certain day.
It could be an advantage for your communication abilities to be boosted, so make the cloak blue, as that is the color of the throat chakra.
Imagine a bright clear blue, that will boost your communication abilities.
This cloak can be made any color you want, and can be all or any of the colors of the rainbow if you wish.
I find that working with one color a day is more powerful. Doing this will boost the energy of the chakra that the color responds to, and the gifts that it governs, as well as being a highly useful method of psychic protection.
To help you to develop your psychic abilities, you may choose to work specifically with the color purple, and the third eye chakra. This is because this is the chakra for the pineal gland and the third eye.
Your psychic cloak is as protective as you want it to be, and as protective as your psychic powers allow it to be. This is why I also use protection crystals in crystal jewelry, or carry stones of them with me each day.
If you are not sure about how the chakras work, and what the colors are for each chakra, read the information in my article on the meaning of the chakras.
It is of prime importance, for those working within any sort of psychic field, to be aware of the need for psychic protection. As a healer, I find it is imperative to wear protection while doing healing.
I like to wear a piece of jewelry made from one, or more, of the protection stones, like a lovely Black Tourmaline pendant which is very useful.
This protection is of value, as that is the time when you will aid your client to release negativity, that may be holding back their healing.
By ensuring that you are protected you will not absorb this negativity. As a healer, it is important to do regular cleansing of the environment where you work with clients.
Start with white lighting the room, then cleanse the air with white sage smoke, and/or spray the room with an essence of natural essential oils.
It is possible to use lovely mixtures made up for this purpose, including wild flower essences. Ensure all of your crystals are regularly cleansed as well.
I know that most crystals love the energy of being saged, and there are quite a few other good methods for cleansing your crystals as well.
In social situations when people are drinking they have a stronger potential to release negative vibrations. As you develop your psychic skills, you will find that you can discern when you are being attacked.
At that time you can easily ask your guardians or spirit guides to protect you, as they will do this if asked. Also place another layer of cloaking around you at this time.
Having been personally attacked by someone, I know how important psychic protection is. Many psychic attacks come while you sleep, as they may be created by the dreams of your attacker.
This means they are often unintentional, yet they have just as strong an energy, if the person sending them has powerful psychic energy and abilities.
So I always have my protection crystals, which are mostly tumblestones under my pillow in a small cloth bag, and these stay in the bedroom permanently.
I usually wear my pendant, earrings or my ring made from Moldavite stone during the day, as it is highly protective. Alternatively or as well use any of the other stones on the list.
Earrings, rings or pendants of Sugilite, Rainbow Moonstone, Amber or Amethyst are very beautiful and highly protective, so see what you already have.
During the day, I usually have a small cloth bag of crystals in my pocket. This contains protection and grounding crystals and maybe one or two other crystals, ones I am currently working with.
This is something that you can do easily, and it is a useful way to integrate positive vibrations into your life. The stones can change frequently, but some of the contents may remain the same.
Are you are developing your gifts on purpose, so that you may use these psychic skills to obtain psychic employment?
If you are working in this area Shattuckite is an excellent stone as it is a powerful stone to protect you from possession, and will help you to develop a variety of gifts.
Pyrolusite is another powerfully protective stone that helps to prevent you from getting noticed by beings from the lower astral realms.
Psychic protection is important, but it is not a matter of getting fearful and expecting it to happen.
It is more like insurance. Most of you take out insurance on your home or vehicle.
So taking actions to prevent negative outcomes from psychic attacks is just simply that, insurance, in case its needed.
It may never be needed but if it is you will be glad you did!
I also own and wear rings, pendants and earrings of various stones from the protection group of stones, especially if I am going to a social occasion.
Spirit Quartz is a good stone to have in your environment, as it will bring you freedom from any fear you may feel when thinking about the problem of psychic attack.
Black Tourmaline is one stone to choose over all of the others for psychic protection. They are wonderful aids to have in the home, not just for protection but for grounding, but also for many other reasons.
The best stone to use to both send negative energy back to where it came from, as well as for psychic protection is Fire Agate, and this includes Crackled Fire Agate.
The easiest protection stones to obtain are the following, and they are also very powerful stones. Sugilite, Malachite, Black Tourmaline, Amethyst Crystals, Peridot, Smokey Quartz, Tourmalinated Quartz, Amber, Chiastolite, and/or Black Obsidian, are usually found fairly easily.
Alternatively you might like to look at the chart and choose others, especially if you own them already. If you are working on your psychic gifts, many stones to develop abilities such as clairvoyance or clairaudience are also stones for protection.
Amethyst is a stone of protection and can be worn to prevent psychic attacks and to protect the wearer from all types of harm. Keeping an amethyst cluster in a room such as the living room, will clear out negative or blocked energies.
Amber is bright, cheerful and protective. It is a tree resin rather than a stone, however it is worn in jewellery like any other stone or crystal and has been worn for thousands of years to bring luck and protection to the wearer. This is my personal favourite to wear to ward off negative energy or attacks from others, as it works wonders.
Brown Calcite is protective whilst attracting positive energy into the environment and mind of the wearer.
Charoite transmutes negativity back into positive energy and can keep the aura and chakras clear of negative energy.
Diamond is a stone of purity that cleanses negativity, yours and others, from the aura. Diamond is a girl's best friend for a reason!
Emerald dispels negativity whilst also promoting harmony and love.
Fire Agate offers a strong shield of protection and is excellent for dispelling fear, a stone that transmutes energy. All types of agate are useful for protection.
Hematite is very protective and can help to draw negativity from the base chakra and transmute it, whilst preventing the wearer from absorbing the negativity projected from others. This stone is aligned with the base chakra and is also grounding.
Yellow Jasper (right) is a wonderful protective stone against negativity and can be worn during travel as a shield, a very uplifting stone.
Kunzite is a protective stone that can ward away negative energies. This stone is so useful as it also works with the heart and is a powerful stone of love and higher vibrations.
Labradorite can protect the aura by deflecting undesirable energies, preventing psychic vampirism and apparently spirit possession or influence.
Lapis Lazuli is said to guard the wearer or carrier against negative psychic emanations whilst helping us to speak our mind.
Obsidian is one of the strongest protection stones and can shield us from psychic attack and is also said to be a shield from emotional and physical attack. It will seek to purify negative energy in its vicinity, also within the aura, making this a very useful stone. This stone can bring out dark energy from within to heal, and as such is also a healing stone that can even work to remove shock or trauma from a person. Could be used to protect against negative entities.
Black Onyx blocks negative energies from getting in.
Peridot can apparently be used as a shield against others who drain our energy. It might be wise to wear this when around any known energy vampires who leave you significantly drained after speaking with them.
Quartz in general protects against negative influences
Clear Quartz and Rutilated Quartz (left) are protective stones that also enhances a person's aura significantly. Those in the know often wear a piece, like a pendant, or carry a small piece with them. This stone is a lot cheaper than diamond but is similar in a lot of ways. Very powerful for protection.
Black Sapphire is a stone of protection.
Tigers Eye is a stone of protection and also abundance.
Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful protectors against the negative energy from others in both the Earth plane and the spirit plane, and so is a good crystal to keep next to your bed at night. It is said to reflect negative energy back to the sender. Also is said to deflect the energy and radiation from electrical equipment.
Turquoise is a powerful stone for healing and also has the ability to protect against negative energies. It is even said to change colour to warn against danger and illness.
For a quick fix against negativity, you can use simple table salt (or sea salt) in a small bag placed in a pocket or purse. The salt absorbs negativity and will only need replacing every few months. (Do not consume this salt). A good way to cleanse crystals from negativity is by periodically placing them in direct sunlight for a few hours to recharge and cleanse away old energies.
If you are wondering which protection crystals or stones to use, look through the list below. For wearing in your pocket, or bra, during the day, chose very small stones, as they can be heavy.
Or buy jewelry to wear on your body, as its an easy way to keep one of these stones on you every day. The best psychic protection stones to always have with you, are on the list of protection stones below.
aka Melanite Garnet |
Peacock Ore |
aka Elephant Skin Jasper |
aka Dalmation Stone |
Black and Brown |
Ruby Silver |